Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My daughter makes me laugh out loud!

I just read my oldest daughter's blog. She makes even the mundane funny! I read her take on country music and thought "she should make a living at this". Of course, I have told her this for years. And the beet salad, what a hoot! She forgets she ate this when but a "Tot". She and her sister will both deny, but I WAS THERE!
Holidays are so full & lonely for me, I am here, wish I were there, or there, or there but enjoying being here. Sort of weird huh?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My girls....

I truly do have a Snow White & Rose Red, so different and so much the same. Both are wonderful people with big hearts and all the forgiveness they can hold. One sees all the good in people and one wonders if there is good in anyone. I am a Yin-yang person myself, so I am the middle ground. I wonder some times how these great people came from me, then I remember the love they were made from and say "Thank you, God"